19 Jan

Our bodies are very delicate and to make matters even worse, we are in most cases exposed to many harmful conditions that can our optimum body balance.  Optimum body balance can be affected by slight fluctuations in biological composition, chemical composition, and even psychological tipping point.  People tend to assume that their bodies are well when they don't exhibit any notable symptoms of illness.  This notion is a very ignorant and misinformed fact that should be eradicated because not all disease projects their traits in ways that we expect.  For instance, 46% of the worlds adult population is diabetic, but they do not know because they have never been diagnosed.  In totality, 1 in every 11 people in the world has diabetes.

From the above terrifying statistics, we can deduce that the estimated world diabetic figure is 415 million people and the number is expected to rise to 642 million people bu the year 2040.  This group of people forms a considerable potential market base for diabetic test strips.  Medical practitioners advise all people with diabetes to continually monitor and evaluate their conditions.  Various methods can be used to sell these diabetic test strips such as online or internet marketing, offline marketing and relationship marketing commonly referred to as word-of-mouth marketing. Know more info here!

The world has become a global village via the internet means you can connect or communicate with any person in all corners of the globe.  Therefore online marketing is a very strategic avenue to use if you want to meet millions of customers from the comfort of your workplace.  Through the internet, you can use the social media platform to advertise the diabetic strips by creating a user-interactive page for your customers.  Some of the most common social media websites that you can use are Facebook, Tweeter, and WhatsApp.  You can even create videos advertising your product and post it on You-tube for your diabetic viewers.  With the internet, it is only your levels of creativity that can limit you. Otherwise, it is an excellent tool for sales promotion.  Check out this website at http://money.cnn.com/2015/03/10/technology/diy-pen-sensor-tattoos/index.html and learn more about glucose meter.

When it comes to the offline advertisement, you have many channels that you can use to put your message across to your customers.  These avenues of marketing are Newspapers advertisements, Radio adverts, Television advertisements, Bulk mail, Banners, Posters, Pamphlets, and Magazines to mention but a few.  With Relationship Marketing, you use your skills, friends, associates, business acquaintances, relatives, and any other person that you meet on the streets, click here!

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